Live Event Mosaics

Whether you call them hashtag mosaics, live event photo mosaics, or just super cool mosaic experiences, these photo mosaics are sure to amaze and make an impression. These types of activations have become increasingly popular at large events over the past few years. I recently attended a few nearby events where these mosaics were feature, but by different companies. While the companies accomplish a similar end product, I have found that there are some significant differences in how these solutions work. For a variety of reasons, I found that the solution I like the best is the Live Print Mosaic from Picture Mosaics. Here is why:

1. Onsite photo capture: There are lots of options, some better than others. These can range from onsite photo app, photo booth, or posted with a hashtag on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. In experiencing all of these, I noticed that the onsite photo app was the most engaging and convenient. My findings were in line with what Picture Mosaics found in their post here.

2. Instant image analysis: After an image is taken onsite, or collected from a hashtag, it enters analysis software. The sophistication and “smarts” of this software may be one of the most important parts of the flow as it is the engine that drives the resulting mural. The software analyzes each image for shapes/colors and determines the best location in the mosaic for that image. Smarter software will take into account what types of photos have already been processed to make a future prediction of what is incoming to make adjustments in tone and placement. If done right, as with Picture Mosaics, a TRUE mosaic will be created rather than just a fake one with ghosting of the main image.

3. Real-time printing: Once the image analysis is complete, two copies can be printed: a branded take-away for the guest and a copy with row and column info for the guest to place on the mosaic. The speed and real-timeliness of print is important. Of activations I have been at Picture Mosaics seemed to have the fastest printing from their PRO-X1 printers clocking in at 12 seconds.
Be sure to know what is important before selecting your mosaic vendor. What is important to you? There are 3 aspects that mattered the most to me.

Hands-On Engagement:
For me, being able to place my photo on the mural was very gratifying, and even led me to post about my experience on Facebook. Picture Mosaics allowed (and encouraged) guests to place photos which was not the case with other mosaic companies. They also made it easy for me to be able to find my photos location by having large coordinates on the print. They were all about guest interaction!

True Mosaics: Being a mosaic purist, I found it refreshing to see true mosaics being created. True mosaics do not rely on superimposing or ghosting (see Mosaic 101). At the events I attended, Picture Mosaics built true mosaics, where the other companies were building fake mosaics by superimposing and ghosting the main image. If you’re looking for that extra wow factor, true mosaics are the way to go.

Social Reach & Take-aways: The lasting impression of your event is what can really pay off. Picture Mosaics offered shareable digital takeaways of my image (via email) and printed takeaways, alternate providers only offered printed takeaways. Understanding the social impression and reach of the mosaic experience is very important.
I reached out to Picture Mosaics for a few more example photos from past events:
Onsite Photo Capture No Source Image Ghosting Printed Takeaway Final Mosaic
Note: Picture Mosaics was kind enough to provide much of the imagery found on this page.