Mother’s Day is just around the corner! It’s a holiday that holds significant weight with my family, so I’m always on the hunt for a bigger and better gift than the year before. I don’t mean bigger and better in a physical or monetary sense, but in a thoughtful, symbolic sort of way. This is where my photo mosaic obsession comes into play.
While searching for creative Mother’s Day ideas, I found the Amazing Women Everywhere Mosaic, an online photo mosaic where visitors can share a photo and story of an important woman in their lives.
This was just the gift I was looking for. I could share my love and admiration for my mom along with thousands of others celebrating a woman that inspires them. The centerpiece of the photo mosaic is the SCA all-female boat racing team. The team’s nine months of hard work at sea serves as inspiration to me along with anyone else who visits the site. It’s amazing to browse the photos in the mosaic and read their touching stories. I think I’ve already set the bar pretty high for Mother’s Day 2016!